Dear Mr. Potter

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I don’t know exactly how Harry felt the day he got his letter from Hagrid, but I feel like I’ve just been accepted to Hogwarts and… I’m a whaaaaaaat? I… can’t be a… wi(zard)nner. I’m just Emily. Just Harry! I felt disbelief, shock, read the message 8 times, mouth open, speechless, wide eyed, couldn’t blink, hit F5 x 20 to refresh just in case, CAPSLOCK gchatted my current gchat friend immediately, sprinted outside the office to jump around in silent celebration, called mom right away, emailed Dana, texted Brian, emailed dad. WOW. It was nearly impossible to keep it confidential. I was excited, ecstatic, still  in disbelief, humbled, grateful, appreciative, thankful, surprised, stunned but not obliviated. WOW. This is real!!!!!

These gifs from last year’s scholarship announcement do not do it justice.

(Update: I’m glad I can finally share the news after the public announcement. THANK YOU! A long list of thankyou’s is coming soon in a thank-you-page, as well as a more formal update!)

Dear Mr. Potter